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Steel Industry Directory - Trade Associations.

Company name: South East Asia Iron & Steel Institute

Company name: South East Asia Iron & Steel Institute - SEAISI
Category: Trade Association
Business location: Selangor, Malaysia

Expertise: Steel association steelmakers in South East Asia.
Keywords: Iron, steel, trade association, SEAISI.
Telephone number: +60 3 5519 1102
Fax number: +60 3 5519 1159
Email address:

Other information: The South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (SEAISI) was incorporated in 1971 under the auspices of the United Nations Economics Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE). It is registered as a limited company in the Republic of Singapore. Previously in Singapore and then Manila, the Secretariat is now permanently based in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

SEAISI is a technical institute and its main objective is to promote the iron and steel industry in the South East Asian region. It achieves its objectives by facilitating technology transfer from around the world, especially from Australia, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. SEAISI organizes a major international conference and exhibition every year and amongst its publications are the Statistical Year Book (which covers the steel sector in Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam), the Steel Quarterly Journal and the monthly newsletter.

Recent news
  • 2020: Predicts that steel consumption in the ASEAN-6 countries [Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam] will decline by ~7.5% to ~74.3 million tonnes in 2020.
  • 2020: Warns of increasing danger of steel overcapacity in Asia-Pacific region as COVID-19 causes production custs, but steel industry investments nonetheless come to fruition.
  • 2018: Warns of 20 year delay for regional demand growth to catch up with projected capacity expansions.
  • 2017: Notes again the continuing problem facing its regional steelmakers of unfair competition from influx of low-priced steel exports from third countries.
  • 2014: Expresses concerns about relentless flow of Chinese steel into the ASEAN region and likely long-term harm to ASEAN steel industries.

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