Scrap supply - Shredmet - metal shredding. logo

Steel Industry Directory - scrap metal supply.

Company name: Shredmet

Company name: Shredmet
Category: Scrap metal export.
Business location: Birmingham, UK

Expertise: Processing and export of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap.
Keywords: Shredding of ferrous and non-ferrous metal
Email address:

Other information: Shredmet specialise in the processing and export of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal worldwide. The firm exports in excess of 250,000 tonnes of high grade scrap metal each year to steelworks, refineries and foundries across the world.

Using a 4500 HP heavy duty shredder combined with cutting-edge technology at the processing plant allows Shredmet to sort and grade in the region of 1000 tonnes of ferrous and non-ferrous metal per day. On site radioactive scrap detectors ensure that all scrap metal exported by Shredmet is free from any contamination caused by exposure to radioactive material.

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