Ferroalloys - Elkem, Norway.

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Steel Industry Directory - Ferroalloy Supplies.

Company name: Elkem

Company name: Elkem
Category: Ferrosilicon.
Business location: Oslo, Norway

Expertise: Ferro silicon alloys, MgFeSi alloys, recarburisers.
Keywords: Ferrosilicon alloys for alloying and deoxidation.
Website: www.elkem.com
Telephone: +47 22 45 01 00

Other information: Elkem's history started in 1904, when the industrial entrepreneur Sam Eyde (1866-1940) established Det Norske Aktieselskap for Elektrokemisk Industri (Elektrokemisk). The goal was to create an international industry company based on Norwegian natural resources. Today, Elkem is one of the world's leading companies for environmentally responsible production of materials that include silicon, silicones, ferrosilicon, foundry alloys, carbon materials and microsilica.

Elkem offer customers a wide range of ferrosilicon alloys for alloying and deoxidation purposes in steelmaking. The main ferrosilicon products are standard grade ferrosilicon, low aluminium, low carbon, and high purity (low Titanium) ferrosilicon. Elkem also manufactures a wide range of inoculants, MgFeSi alloys and preconditioners for the production of cast irons; as well as recarburisers used in the production of high-grade steel, grey and ductile iron castings.

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