Ferromanganese - FACL, Zambia.

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Steel Industry Directory - Ferroalloy Supplies.

Company name: FACL

Company name: Ferro Alloys Corporation Ltd
Category: Ferromanganese supplier.
Business location: Kabwe, Zambia

Expertise: Production of ferromanganese.
Keywords: Mining, submerged arc furnace, ferroalloys production.
Website: www.faclzambia.com
Email address: info@faclzambia.com
Telephone: +260-969 789 156
Fax: +260-965 275 766

Other information: Ferro Alloys Corporation Limited (FACL) incorporated in 2010 in Zambia (Southern Africa) with headquarters in Kabwe, has captive large scale Manganese Mines along with a processing plant for High Carbon Ferro Silicon Manganese and High Carbon Ferro Manganese.

FACL has its processing plant in Kabwe which is 130 km from capital city of Lusaka.

The company offers high grade manganese ore, ferro silicon manganese and high carbon ferro manganese for sale.

Ferro Alloys Corporation Ltd has an installed production capacity of 18,000 tonnes of Ferro Alloys annually. The company has a 6.5MA Submerged Arc Furnace equipped with pan casting facilities for slag and tramp-free trapping, ensuring cleaner product.

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