Apolo Tubulars - steel pipe - Brazil.

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Steel Industry Directory - Steel Pipe Manufacturing.

Company name: Apolo Tubulars

Company name: Apolo Tubulars
Category: Steel tube and pipe
Business location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Expertise: Welded steel pipe production.
Keywords: Pipe, tube, exploration, production, transport, oil, gas.
Telephone number: +55 21 3907-4000
Fax number: +55 21 3907-4018
Website: https://apolotubulars.com.br

Other information: Apolo Tubulars is a company focused on the production of high quality pipes, produced using electric resistance welding with high frequency induction for the oil and gas industry and other segments of the energy sector.

Currently, the Apolo Tubulars industrial plant has an installed capacity to manufacture 120,000 tons of tubular products per year [including production of oil country tubular goods (OCTG) and line pipe]. Testing services include non-destructive tests at every step of the production process (ultrasound, EMI, MPI, UT Full-Body) as well as hydrostatic tests up to 20.000 psi, with supply of manufacturing process certificates (API 5L and API 5CT, DNV, NACE and CRCC Petrobras standards).

Main products include API 5CT / OCTG pipe, API 5L / line pipe, premium and semi-premium connections, including threaded & coupled joints (casing and tubing) or with upset (tubing).

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