Company name: British Steel
Category: Iron and steelmaking
Business location: Scunthorpe, Teesside, Skinningrove - United Kingdom; & Hayange - France
Headquarters: Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, England
Expertise: Steel long products.
Keywords: Rail, construction steel (beams, columns, sheet piles), special profiles and high quality wire rod
Telephone number: +44 (0) 1724 404040
Fax: +44 (0) 1724 404040
Email address:
Other information: British Steel was founded in 2016 from assets acquired from Tata Steel Europe by Greybull Capital. Prior to the sale, the business was part of Tata Steel Europe (formerly known as Corus).
British Steel was placed in compulsory liquidation in May 2019, putting 5000 jobs at risk and endangering 20000 in the supply chain.
The company was then sold in March 2020 to China's Jingye Group.
The firm's assets include:
Main products sold by the firm include semis-finished steel (bloom, billet and slab), rail (incl flat-bottomed rail, vignole, grooved rail, crane rail, steel sleepers), heavy sections, special profiles (incl bulb flats, forklift profiles, track shoe profiles and Condumax® cathode collector bars for use in aluminium smelting) and light long products (wire rod, including cold-heading quality rod).
To learn more about British Steel's ownership, visit Greybull Capital.
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