FAE - stainless steel seamless tube.

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Steel Industry Directory - Steel Fabrication.

Company name: Fabricacion de Aleaciones Especiales S.A. (FAE)

Company name: Fabricacion de Aleaciones Especiales S.A.
Category: Stainless steel tube production
Business location: Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Expertise: Seamless special alloy pipes and tubes.
Keywords: Nuclear industry pipe, corrosion resistant tube.
Telephone number: +54-11 6326-1300
Fax number: +54-11 6326-1490
Website: http://www.conuar.com/fae/fae
Email address: info@conuarfae.com

Other information: FAE (Fabricacion de Aleaciones Especiales S.A.) started business in 1986. The firm's shareholders are CONUAR S.A. (68%) and CNEA (32%). FAE are a large specialized manufacturer of seamless special alloy pipes and tubes with the highest quality requirements available. Initially FAE manufactured Zircaloy® pipes and tubes for the nuclear industry, and later incorporated corrosion-resistant and high mechanical requirement materials for critical processes.

Much of the production of FAE is delivered to customers in the international markets; mostly to the United States, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, South Africa, Singapore, Australia, India and Korea.

FAE manufacture pipes of high value added materials, such as Alloy 800 and Alloy 690 for nuclear steam generators, titanium tubes for the aerospace industry, and other nickel, duplex and zirconium alloys. FAE are the only Latin American manufacturer of these products.

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