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Environmental Links.

Links to regulators, environmental advisors, publishers

Environmental Performance Guidelines

Code Practice Integrated Mills [National Office Pollution Prevention]
Equator Principles [World Bank and IFC Specific Guidelines]

Other Environmental Websites

AIST [Steel industry environmental news]
Bureau International Recycling [World Trade Association]

Sustainability Sites

Business & Sustainable Development [IISD]
Earth Trends Environmental Info Portal [World Resources Inst]
International Institute for Sustainable Development [Canada]
Kyoto Protocol [United Nations]
Non-ferrous metals & sustainable development [NFMSD]

Steel Sector Environmental Support Services

Atkins [Environmental / IPPC consulting support]
SEA [Environmental management consultants]

Carbon Capture

Carbon Capture & Storage, UK [School GeoSci, Univ Edinburgh]
Focus on Carbon Capture [World Energy Council]

Please note that whilst may have provided links from our own web pages to various organisations to do with steelmaking the environment / climate / global warming / sustainable development (regulators; information publishers; CO2, emissions trading and IPPC advisers, etc) and carbon capture this does not mean that endorses these sites or is in any way responsible for their content.

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