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Steel-Related Links.

Metallurgy, geology, minerals, automotive, construction ...

Links to Related Sites and Sectors

Auto Parts Bin [Car and truck accessories] 
Autosteel [Automotive applications] 
British Geological Survey [Mineral info worldwide] 
CTIF [French foundry website] 
Craythorne & de Tessier [Stainless and marine tools]
Cypress Industries [Metal castings and custom tooling] 
Engineers Club [Software & resources for engineering community] 
Everlast Generators [Welding and plasma cutting machines]
FireCAD Technologies [Boiler design and power plant software] 
FoundryOnline [Info for castings buyers] 
Handling Innovations [Steel shelving and other storage equipment] 
Hot Rods Worldwide [Automotive information] 
Kingsgate Consolidated Gold Mining [Australian gold mining]
Metal Center News [Metals trade magazine] 
Metaldyne [Torsional viscous vibration engine dampers] 
MetaliCal [Metal Weight and Cost Calculators]
Prometal [Ukrainian metals information] 
Proplate [Electroplating solutions] 
Rexplastics [Injection Molding of Plastics] 
Rocom Corp [Precision flexible shaft couplings] 
Shelton Enterprises [Manufacturer of loading dock equipment]
Stainless Information Center [More on stainless] 
Steel Strip Resources [Strip product information] [Polish metallurgical website] 
Steelworld [Asian ferrous information website] 
The Metallurgist [General metallurgy info] 
Tube Expert [Tube design] 
United States Geological Survey [Metallurgy statistics information] 

Iron & Steel History

Brymbo Heritage Group [People, industry, heritage & culture] 
Iron Miners [History of mining in North-Eastern USA and Arizona] 

Other Interesting Links

Earth Science Jobs [Earth science industry job & resume listings] 
Earthworks [Academic, research & professional jobs in mining] [Economic information that's ready to use] 
Halwasiya InfoSys [Professional Web Development] 
Stainless Online [Help about stainless steel products] 

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