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Member of IC - Institute of Consulting

Metals Consulting International (MCI) is accredited as an Institute of Consulting Recognised Practice.

The Institute of Consulting (IC) is an independent professional body and MCI's affiliation offers external validation that we take professional behaviour and competence within the field of steel industry management consultancy very seriously.

Our firm is committed to abide by the IC's Code of Practice.

For further information about the IC, please click on Institute of Consulting.

For more information about our steel sector consulting business, please see MCI brochure or visit our steel consultants page.

The Institute of Consulting (IC) is the professional body for consultants and business advisers in the United Kingdom. It replaced the former Institute of Business Consulting (IBC) in January 2011, which was itself formed as the merger of two predecessor bodies, the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) and the Institute of Business Advisors (IBA). The Institute of Consulting is an organisation within the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

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MCI's technical experts also help clients with feasibility study work, due diligence investigations and business restructuring support. For further information, please call +44 775 149 0885.


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