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Steel Publications - Steelmaking Raw Materials

Market Prospects for Steel and Raw Materials

James King - raw materials report

Overview and forecasts of steel and raw materials market developments to 2025, published by James King. The report comprises ~180 pages, including sections on macroeconomics, steel product definitions, long-term trends in steel demand, long-term trends in steel supply, products costs and prices, associated steelmaking metallics requirements [incl pig iron, DRI and scrap], and iron ore. Click here to see full contents list.

The cost of the report is USD $850 per copy.


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The raw materials report is normally despatched electronically (as an Excel worksheet) within 12-24 hours of fund receipt. In case of any difficulties, for information about delivery of your order, or to ask about alternative methods of payment, please call +44 775 149 0885 or email

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