Historic specialty steel prices.

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Stainless, SBQ & tool steel price history

specialty steel prices sbq stainless tool

Recent pricing history for special steels.

Specialty steel prices in US $ / metric tonne.
YearMonthStainless CRCCarbon SBQAlloy SBQTool Steel
Please get a paid subscription to access earlier price data (from January 2010).
Please get a paid subscription to access more recent price data.
SBQ denotes special bar quality, the US term for engineering steel products.

Table last updated: 21st October 2024. Next update: ~ 20th November 2024.

Notes and definitions for the steel pricing data shown in table above

1) Prices are in US $ per metric tonne and describe average European monthly export fob prices.

2) For this purpose, Europe is defined as EU27 + UK excluding Croatia, Malta, Serbia. This geography thus includes Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

3) Product definitions are as follows:

  • Stainless flat rolled cold rolled coil or sheet, 1-3mm gauge, width of 600mm or more, with nickel content > 2.5%
  • Engineering steel (SBQ), carbon quality, round hot rolled bar >80mm diameter with carbon content > 0.25%.
  • Engineering steel (SBQ), alloy quality, round hot rolled bar >80mm diameter.
  • Tool steel, hot rolled round or flat bar (excl HSS).

4) Pricing data is compiled by MCI. It originates from national customs statistics.

5) Note that the latest price points (the last two months in particular) for each special steel product may change, as additional customs data becomes available.

6) Final data point normally shows specialty steel prices that are ~2 months old. [A short delay is necessary to collect the data].

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