2024 world steel demand - estimated steel consumption.

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World Steel Demand 2024

steel consumption analysis

Global Steel Consumption Assessments

Consumption by Region, 2024

Region Demand, mt
EU 141
Other Europe 48
CIS 58
Central & South America 46
Middle East & Africa 94
Asia & Oceania 1273
World 1793

Determinations above are finished steel product demand estimates for 2024 in millions of metric tonnes. Source: worldsteel and MCI calculations.

Use by Product Shape, 2024

Steel shape Demand, mt
Flat products 717
Long products 879
Tube products 197
Global sum 1793

Calculations are indicative finished steel demand assessments for 2024. Tube data includes welded and seamless tube. For chart, see below. Source: MCI deliberations.

steel use by product shape
Global steel consumption by product shape

Demand estimates by shape indicate estimated global steel use analysed by flat products [including plate, hot rolled coil and sheet, cold rolled and coated sheet such as HDG and tin plate], long products [including rail, heavy and mediumsections, merchant bar, rebar and wire rod] and tube [welded pipe and seamless tube]. Figures are demand analyses prepared by Metals Consulting International for year 2024.

Use by Application, 2024

Millions tonnes Total
Construction incl structural & building work 877
Mechanical engineering 290
Automotive 134
Other transport incl shipbuilding & rail 63
Domestic appliances 61
Metal products 204
Oil & gas exploration & transport 113
Defence 16
Other industries / miscellaneous 34
Total 1793

Further analytical information including more detail by product type is available for purchase. Please contact MCI. All 2024 product demand figures have been compiled by MCI.

Demand by Consuming End-Use Industry, 2024

steel demand - analysis of consumption by end use market
Global steel consumption by end-use market

Demand estimates by sector are indicative of global 2024 steel demand. Construction includes structural and building work. Mechanical engineering includes machinery & equipment and components; as well as heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) markets. Automotive sector includes passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles. Other transport includes shipbuilding (covering container ships, dry cargo ships, LPG carriers, tankers, passenger ferries) as well as rail, buses and heavy vehicles. Metal products include furniture, fasteners, wire products, containers, drums and boxes. Defence estimates are based on MCI assumptions concerning steel use for submarines, frigates, destroyers, tanks, and other military market uses. Tubes include welded and seamless. Figures are MCI estimates of steel end-use by application for year 2024 total steel consumption.

For a more comprehensive analysis of steel demand applications, see 2022 research article on global iron and steel mass flow published by L.D. Danny Harvey.

Requirement by Quality, 2024

Steel quality Demand, mt
Carbon steel 1690
Engineering steel 48
Stainless steel 53
Tool steel ~2
World 1793

Data above are from MCI analysis of steel use by grade for 2024. Engineering steels are often also referred to as SBQ steels (special bar quality steel); these are steels that typically move or rotate whilst in use. Global melt shop production of stainless steel in 2024 is estimated at ~57 mt.

Historic Demand & Demand Forecast

Year Demand, mt
2020 1790
2021 1844
2022 1783
2023 1763
2024 1793
2025 1815
2026 1833

Annual figures to 2025 inclusive are consistent with various World Steel Association [worldsteel] assessments. 2026 figures are conservative MCI forecasts. All figures are millions of metric tonnes of finished steel.

This page was last updated on 2nd September 2024.

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